Find and test invalid links and 404 errors using Python & Pytest

TL;DR: Go to the solution directly.

So, I recently managed to break something on CloudBytes/dev>. All the internal links on the site were broken, and I published the website.

I only noticed the error when the number of 404 erros increased significantly in the analytics report. So I set about creating a Python script to find the broken links and highlight them during the Continous Integration process I have setup.

I came up with the following set of steps to first populate the links and then validate if they exist.

To begin with:

  1. Fetch the sitemap.xml file from the website & create a list of all links on the website
  2. For each link in the list, check if it exists on the website and fetch the webpage
  3. Find all the links in the webpage
  4. Then request the webpage for each link and check if it exists
  5. If the page exists, then add it to the list of valid links

Pytest Program to Scrawl & Test Website

import pytest
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

BASE_URL = "http://localhost:8080"

def get_sitemap_links():
    This function gets all links from the sitemap
    sitemap_url = BASE_URL + "/sitemap.xml"
    sitemap_response = requests.get(sitemap_url)
    sitemap_soup = BeautifulSoup(sitemap_response.text, "lxml")
    sitemap_links = sitemap_soup.find_all("loc")

    sitemap_urls = []
    for link in sitemap_links:
        url = link.text.replace(SITE_URL, BASE_URL)

    return sitemap_urls

def get_page_links(url):
    This function gets all links from a page
    page_response = requests.get(url)
    page_soup = BeautifulSoup(page_response.text, "html5lib")
    page_links = page_soup.find_all("a")

    page_urls = []
    for link in page_links:
        url = link.get("href")
        if url is not None:
            if url.startswith("/"):
                url = BASE_URL + url
            elif url.startswith(BASE_URL):

    return page_urls

def test_internal_links():
    This function tests all internal links in the URLs on the sitemap
    sitemap_urls = get_sitemap_links()
    valid_urls = []
    for url in sitemap_urls:
        page_urls = get_page_links(url)
        for page_url in page_urls:
            if page_url not in valid_urls:
                response = requests.get(page_url)
                assert response.status_code == 200


Step 0: Set the Site URL and Base URL

I set BASE_URL to localhost and SITE_URL to The reason for doing both is that in the CI process I use the localhost server to run the tests, but you can use the same program above to test a live website with minor changes.

BASE_URL = "http://localhost:8080"

Step 1: Fetch the sitemap.xml file from the website & create a list of all links on the website

def get_sitemap_links():
    This function gets all links from the sitemap
    sitemap_url = BASE_URL + "/sitemap.xml"
    sitemap_response = requests.get(sitemap_url)
    sitemap_soup = BeautifulSoup(sitemap_response.text, "lxml")
    sitemap_links = sitemap_soup.find_all("loc")

    sitemap_urls = []
    for link in sitemap_links:
        url = link.text.replace(SITE_URL, BASE_URL)

    return sitemap_urls

I also create a function to get all the links from a webpage passed as an argument

def get_page_links(url):
    This function gets all links from a page

    page_response = requests.get(url)
    page_soup = BeautifulSoup(page_response.text, "html5lib")
    page_links = page_soup.find_all("a")

    page_urls = []
    for link in page_links:
        url = link.get("href")
        if url is not None:
            if url.startswith("/"):
                url = BASE_URL + url
            elif url.startswith(BASE_URL):

    return page_urls

Step 2 For each link in the list, check if it exists on the website and fetch the webpage

We do this in the test_internal_links function, where we get all the links in the sitemap

    sitemap_urls = get_sitemap_links()

Step 3 Find all the links in the webpage

    for url in sitemap_urls:
        page_urls = get_page_links(url)

Step 4 Then request the webpage for each link and check if it exists

        for page_url in page_urls:
            if page_url not in valid_urls:
                response = requests.get(page_url)

Step 5 If the page exists, then add it to the list of valid links

                assert response.status_code == 200

Finally, run this script by running the following command (You need to have pytest installed):


And this will scrape through the entire website and check if all the internal links are valid.

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